The Art of Wellness
The art of wellness
In addition to chemical pollution, we also have to deal with electromagnetic pollution. The combined electrical and magnetic fields generated by overhead power lines, cell phones and cell phone masts, TVs, radios, computers, microwave ovens and household appliances creates chaos in our cells, undermining wellbeing and increasing our susceptibility to a wide range of disorders, including cancer, diabetes, asthma, allergies and mental illness. One of the best documented adverse effects of electromagnetic pollution is the increased incidence of leukaemia in children living beneath power lines, which has now been extensively studied and reported.
Environmental Upgrade
Although we can’t avoid chemical and electrical pollution completely, we can minimize our exposure to them – especially in our home and working environments. We can start by choosing environmentally friendly cleaning supplies, detergents and personal care products. Even the most commonly used moisturizers often contain potentially dangerous chemicals that penetrate the skin and contribute to toxic load. Similarly, chemicals used to make artificial fragrances can adversely affect the central nervous system, triggering mood swings and even behavioural disorders in sensitive people. Our best defense is to read cosmetic product labels and choose the healthiest, most natural options available.
Other factor indoors can also contribute to build up of toxins in the body. Chemical vapour from carpeting and building materials, airborne micro organisms , dust , mold fibers and pet dander are just a few. If you find yourself constantly feeling below par in your home or office , you may be suffering from sick building syndrome (SBS). This is a collection of disorders associated with exposure to various indoor contaminants. Some of the symptoms include fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, itchy skin, a running nose, irritated eyes and a sore throat. The best defense against SBS is to use a good HEPA filter and to ventilate your rooms well. HEPA stands for High Effency Particulate Air.
HEPA filtration was developed during world war 2 to prevent the discharge of radioactive particles from nuclear reactor facility exhausts. By definition, a HEPA filter removes from the air more than 99.9 percent of all particles that are 0.3 microns or larger in diameter. (The width of a human hair is approximately 50 microns.) This type of air filter also helps clear airborne allergens and is especially useful for those who suffer from allergies and asthma.
In addition to air filtration, according to NASA experiments, surrounding yourself with indoor houseplants can also help improve air quality. Spider plants, for instance, remove carbon monoxide from the air, while rubber plants can help clear formaldehyde.
Mountain Air Anywhere
To further improve air quality, consider investing in an ionizer. The body thrives in an atmosphere rich in negative ions. These are oxygen molecules that carry an extra electron, and therefore have a negative charge. They are created in nature by sunlight, radiation and flowing water. As a result of friction, electrons leave hydrogen and nitrogen molecules and attach themselves to oxygen, forming negative ions. An abundance of negative ions can be found beside the ocean, near waterfalls and in the mountains, which is why we tend to feel so alert and well in these environments.
In office environments, the opposite is true. Electronic equipment such as photocopiers and computer monitors, as well as friction between synthetic materials, creates an abundance of positive ions. When living or working long term in such environment we become tired and irritable and may find it hard to concentrate. Using an ionizer can increase the amount of negative ions in the air, help clear dust particles and create a more uplifting and energizing atmosphere in which to live and work. As a bonus, ionizers also help counteract the problem of electromagnetic pollution- an invisible, but nevertheless significant health threat.
Experts agree it is especially important to limit your exposure to electromagnetic stress during sleeping hours when your body is stationary and most vulnerable. You can do this by unplugging electrical appliances near your bed, such as TV’s, computers, clocks, and cell phone chargers, and by avoiding the use of electric blankets. Along with cell phones and leaky microwave ovens, electric blankets are particularly dangerous to health, according to electromagnetism authority and Nobel price nominee Robert O. Becker, MD. In studies, Dr. Becker found that the babies of women who used electric blankets were significantly more likely to suffer birth defects.
Other research has shown a connection between exposure to electromagnetic pollution and disturbed sleep patterns. Dr. Russel Reiter, Professor of Neuroendrocrinology at the University of Texas Health Science Center, demonstrated that exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields (such as those created by household appliances) can reduce melantonin secretions by as much as 50 percent. This is significant, because melantonin is the hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycles. Without sufficient levels of it we may suffer from insomnia, as well as lowered immunity.
The Power of Attraction
An excellent way to promote restful sleep, once you have unplugged unnecessary electrical equipment, is with the help of magnets.
Studies show that the human body thrives in a magnetic field similar to the earth’s own. Unfortunately, as a result of interference from man-made electromagnetic frequencies, the magnetic field we are actually exposed to is often less than ideal. Magnetic field therapy applies magnets in various ways to envelop the body in a magnetic field conductive to health.
Another formidable wellness technology is far-infrared energy (FIR), a natural occurring and perfectly safe form of energy produced by all living organisms. FIR saunas are used to detoxify the body, improve cardiovascular health, help heal injuries and enhance the function of the immune system. In addition to taking FIR saunas, you can also wear and sleep under materials that emit FIR frequencies to help regulate body temperature and support overall wellness.
Inner Harmony
Having established a healthy external environment by avoiding sources of pollution and making use of helpful wellness technologies, it is equally important to tend your internal environment by consuming wholesome foods and quality nutrition supplements that don’t undermine health and vitality.
Your body thrives on energetic and biochemical order. Most foods in their natural state, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, and quality protein sources like fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, carry a high level of order, helping the cells to function optimally. Highly processed convenience foods, on the other hand, which contain refined flour, sugar, junk fats, and artificial additives, induce biochemical disorder and undermine wellness. So do foods grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. These also contribute to toxic load and its related health consequences.
To build a nutritional foundation for lasting wellness, choose fresh, whole organic foods whenever possible. As a general rule, eat them as close as possible to the state in which they were harvested. This can provide the basis for a healthy diet. Your body may also need extra nutrients to ensure optimal wellness. Even organic produce can be grown on soils depleted of essential minerals and trace elements, leaving us still deficient when we eat it. In addition nobody’s diet is perfect and during times of stress, our bodies may have a higher requirement for certain nutrients, such as the B-complex vitamins. Taking the right supplements daily can give us the edge we need to perform at our best-physically, mentally and emotionally.
A good fiber supplement is useful too. It can help keep the digestive system running efficiently so that we absorb and assimilate the nutrients in our food better. It can also help make up for the lack of fiber in many modern diets. A healthy supply of antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C and beta carotene fight the tendency of oxygen to slowly break down muscle mass, and have been shown to protect against the type of issue and muscle loss that occurs naturally as individuals grow older.
Some of the most valuable nutritional supplements are concentrated green superfoods, such as barley grass and spirulina. These contain important phytonutrients, enzymes ans co-factors in a synergistic and highly assumable form to help support the healthy functioning of the immune system and enhance vitality. They are especially helpful for people who find it difficult to eat the recommended multiple serving of fuits and vegetables daily.
Wellness in Motion
Another way to boost your wellness quotient is with physical activity. U.S. government statistics report that 66 percent of Americans get virtually no exercise at all, increasing their risk of heart disease and other life-threatening conditions. Working out for a little as 30 minutes, three to five times a week, can protect health ans vastly improve the quality of life. You don’t have to be a top athlete or a marathon runner to reap the rewards of regular exercise. In fact, Studies show that greater health benefits may come from moderate physical activity than extreme workouts.
Regular exercise helps to:
• Alleviate depression
• Reduce stress
• Lower the risk of osteopororsis
• Protect the cardiovascular system
• Decrease the risk and symptoms of diabetes
• Increase energy levels
• Improve sleep
Equally important to activity is taking time to unwind and rest. Soak in a warm bath, enjoy a massage, listen to peaceful music, practice some form of meditation. All of these can help us reduce stress and restore balance, so that life can be more enjoyable.
As we cultivate the art of wellness, we learn simple ways to avoid environmental hazards and steer clear of nutritional pitfalls. We discover a balance of good, exercise and rest that keeps as feeling better and functioning at our best. And we make use of nutritional supplements and wellness technologies to further enhance our quality of life. Without becoming slaves to wellness principles, we assimilate them effortlessly. We then move forward with the confidence of knowing we have the 21st century’s most priceless ally on our side: total wellness.
Get more info at Gerd's Wellness Info Site